Doctor Strange Movie Review Doctor Strange Cast. Doctor Strange is directed by Scott Derrickson and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange a very successful but Eragon Doctor Who after a debilitating car accident can no longer use his hands this is life now you know I really love that would suck on Western medicine fails him he turns to Eastern medicine and discovers this Monastery of sorts and which he learns about magic Sorcerer And many different dimensions he never knew existed as well as a mystical war that is Raging and he tries to find his place in between these two warring things my best way to describe this movie.

Doctor Strange Movie Review Doctor Strange Cast

Benedict Cumberbatch

I got to say I got to give the writers of this movie major props because Marvel has once again introduced a very strange and obscure comic book character into their MCU and made it work I thought for and Asgard was going to be hard I thought Ant-Man was going to be weird one of the reasons this character works so well is because of Benedict Cumberbatch in fact it is the biggest reason he really gives a lot of this role he has the perfect level of arrogance comedy wits and confusion especially confusion but what I love about his character was how passionate he was about bettering himself he's someone who takes his intellect very seriously arrogantly so but at the same time he's also someone who just wants to learn everything he can to get better at whatever he wants to do is one of the reasons why is character was such a successful physician and it's one of the reasons you become such a successful sorcerer because he wants to better himself in every way he can show that aspect of the character.

I really latched onto and really appreciate it really blew me away in this movie where the visuals this was a very remarkable 3D experience I do actually recommend that you see it in 3D normally that's not something that I focus on but the 3D definitely added something to these City bending World moving sequences that really made my jaw dropped the action sequences in this film are fantastic safe for one thing I don't necessarily think Scott Derrickson handled some of the hand-to-hand combat sequences as effectively as he could have it's not shaky-cam there was just a level of intensity missing from the more simple action sequences that were given to The Incredibles visual effects heavy sequences which by the way is a visual effects heavy but I never really looked at something and was like man that's such a computer image on them by any of this for a second these are class A visual effects some of the best I've ever seen and yes it is going to draw comparisons to Inception in The Matrix that's inevitable but Doctor Strange comic has been around for a while and this aspect of that world has been in those comics for a while but it is clearly drawing inspiration from inception people jumping on walls and the gravity-defying elements it's just that there's a lot more of it in this film.

doctor strange cast dormammu

I love to you Etta Lee Joe for as mordo he was a lot of fun Tilda Swinton was very good as the ancient one I thought she was great in the movie it would have been nice to see that character for betrayed by someone who is actually the ethnicity of the character in the comic are not going to sit here and complain about it because she was really good in the movie and my boy Mads Mikkelsen oh my God I love him he was so good in this movie is character could have been given a little more though I would have appreciated a little more depth behind him another thing I really appreciate about this movie is that it does feel very different from the other films in the MCU certain elements of the third act it's extremely different from the way most of these big superhero Extravaganza visual effects beam in the sky people blow up everything movies now I love superheroes I love comic books I love comic book movies but it was just nice to see one that fits into the world that has a similar warm color tones and tongue-in-cheek humor and visual effects an amazing action sequences that it was nice to see one that genuinely felt of its own world as for negatives I feel that the First Act is a little bit clunky in setting up the character and getting to the place.

Where he eventually meets the ancient one the second she touches his forehead from that moment on I was just I was in I was a locked into the movie it was a really fun ride but getting to that felt a little blocky just a little bit the pacing could have been a lot better there's some humor also that doesn't always work I would say it's about 7034 me in regards to humor and jokes that hits and it does kind of rushed through some of his training aspects and you feel like there should be a little bit more there are comparisons to be made to Batman Begins because Bruce Wayne in that movie travels to this Faraway land and learns all these mystical magical things in it and this one is a lot more literal in regards to the magic button Batman Begins it was just paste better in and you felt that World building in this movie it kind of wants to get the doctor strange getting his red cape the levitation cloak and everything being really cool and awesome and it's cool to see everything happen and you're excited that it's getting to that point but I do feel like his training was rushed just a little bit Exposition now that's one of the biggest flaws I would say of this movie is the need to explain so much to us because it's such a weird different world from the other MCU films that there are many scenes.

Which are here I was standing there listening to people explaining things to him and we're going to need some of that and I wouldn't say that it wasn't interesting I would say that it was mostly always fun and compelling to watch and learn about this world it just does get really bogged down and Exposition sometimes ask for visual effects in this movie everything was mind-blowingly great except for one visual effects character that I was just kind of like that's a cartoon I don't believe that that's real now so I really like Rachel McAdams in this movie she plays the love interest of sorts of Stephen Strange they have some off and on together but I liked how he had to keep going back to her at certain points for help it added a lot of humor to the movie that mostly worked very well in the end Doctor Strange has incredible visual effects a very cool a very fun backstory that does get bogged down in a lot of exposition mostly working humor and a character that I can't wait to see more of its not one of the best in the MCU I wouldn't say it's more the worst it's not as good as civil war or Deadpool this year but I had a lot of fun with this movie and I love Benedict Cumberbatch as this character and I'm excited to see him and other films I'm going to give Doctor Strange a B+ guys thank you so much.