Replicas Movie Review 2020 Movie Review IMDb. Replica Stars Keanu Reeves and was one of the film's I miss last year when it came out in January this one was about a scientist play by Reeves who's trying to engineer a human transference of mind to a robot body and after his entire family dies in a horrible car crash he decides to take a risk to see if he can clone their bodies to bring them back to life this movie was filmed in August of 2016 and not released until last year whenever that happens you know that's a pretty bad sign usually when a movie is held that long on a shelf is probably really bad there have been a few cases that were different like.
The Cabin in the Woods for instance but not replicas this is a really bad one and gratefully since it's been out for a long time now I don't mind talking to you about some spoilers but I'm going to save that for later on the video that starts with a positive I do like this concept I think the idea is really fresh it's a bit Philip K dick, in fact, there's a lot of sequences that are very similar to Minority Report Reeves maneuvering this map with his hands and a device on his head feels very much so like Steven Spielberg film but the idea of a scientist who has the ability to bring back his family and once he does he notices that things just can never fully be exactly like they were no matter how hard you want to save someone even if you have the means to do it in this specific way it's probably not going to be the same and that's a very complex idea and it could be very emotionally interesting.
Unfortunately this is one of the messiest films I've seen recently it's extremely incoherent this story is told and in such a convoluted way people kind of walk into a scene and introduce plot points for you characters just appear in Reeves as life and say this is something you should be thinking about and something that becomes a plot point he doesn't really experienced things so much as he is stopped by people while he's walking and they tell him that they become important to the plot which makes for some really boring characters and no mystery and zero Intrigue Reeves and Alice Eve or find in the movie at this isn't one of Reeves best performances obviously but I've certainly seen worse from him I love that man and I'm always going to like him in movies even when he's not that great in the movie but in this case he's serviceable in this Roll Along with the messy script is some absolutely horrendous CGI whenever the robot character is onscreen which by the way we're going to get into some spoilers here if you haven't seen replicas or if you care to see it whenever this character is onscreen these effects look.
Finished this thing isn't moving naturally it seems like I said a different frame rate from everything else around it any investment you might have had towards the finale of the movie Once Keanu Reeves takes his Consciousness and puts it inside a robot that now wants to kind of like be his assistant and beat up some guys that investment just completely goes away because it's so absurd unfortunately the movie just can't sustain this idea I am totally fine with the movie that asks you to believe a lot as long as the film is Madewell Inception is a movie that's filled with potential plot inaccuracies and all kinds of potholes you could look for if you really want to but it's a really well-made movie and so you're able to look past some of those things I felt like replicas needed a much better script and a much better director because it just can't sustain the weirdness in the absurdity levels at the final few minutes of this movie.
Have once we reveal that Reeves robot counterpart is wearing a business suit and has taken over parts of this operation in another country it's time to go to work nothing sequence you can't help but laugh the final shot in the movie for god sakes I'm going to give replicas a d I would say the first hour of the movie had some potential because the entire first hour is Reeves trying to clone his family successfully and it feels like such a slow burn so where you're getting to something interesting like if that first hour was maybe more like the First Act but it's not it's half the movie and after that it just continues to get weirder and weirder and not in a good way and fortunately guys thank you so much as always for watch am looking forward to continuing to talk about films that I missed last year more VOD and streaming content you guys are the best thank you as always and if you like this you can click right here and get the stuff minized we are officially entering into an economic recession millions of people are losing their jobs.
Replicas Movie Review
The Cabin in the Woods for instance but not replicas this is a really bad one and gratefully since it's been out for a long time now I don't mind talking to you about some spoilers but I'm going to save that for later on the video that starts with a positive I do like this concept I think the idea is really fresh it's a bit Philip K dick, in fact, there's a lot of sequences that are very similar to Minority Report Reeves maneuvering this map with his hands and a device on his head feels very much so like Steven Spielberg film but the idea of a scientist who has the ability to bring back his family and once he does he notices that things just can never fully be exactly like they were no matter how hard you want to save someone even if you have the means to do it in this specific way it's probably not going to be the same and that's a very complex idea and it could be very emotionally interesting.
Unfortunately this is one of the messiest films I've seen recently it's extremely incoherent this story is told and in such a convoluted way people kind of walk into a scene and introduce plot points for you characters just appear in Reeves as life and say this is something you should be thinking about and something that becomes a plot point he doesn't really experienced things so much as he is stopped by people while he's walking and they tell him that they become important to the plot which makes for some really boring characters and no mystery and zero Intrigue Reeves and Alice Eve or find in the movie at this isn't one of Reeves best performances obviously but I've certainly seen worse from him I love that man and I'm always going to like him in movies even when he's not that great in the movie but in this case he's serviceable in this Roll Along with the messy script is some absolutely horrendous CGI whenever the robot character is onscreen which by the way we're going to get into some spoilers here if you haven't seen replicas or if you care to see it whenever this character is onscreen these effects look.
Finished this thing isn't moving naturally it seems like I said a different frame rate from everything else around it any investment you might have had towards the finale of the movie Once Keanu Reeves takes his Consciousness and puts it inside a robot that now wants to kind of like be his assistant and beat up some guys that investment just completely goes away because it's so absurd unfortunately the movie just can't sustain this idea I am totally fine with the movie that asks you to believe a lot as long as the film is Madewell Inception is a movie that's filled with potential plot inaccuracies and all kinds of potholes you could look for if you really want to but it's a really well-made movie and so you're able to look past some of those things I felt like replicas needed a much better script and a much better director because it just can't sustain the weirdness in the absurdity levels at the final few minutes of this movie.
Have once we reveal that Reeves robot counterpart is wearing a business suit and has taken over parts of this operation in another country it's time to go to work nothing sequence you can't help but laugh the final shot in the movie for god sakes I'm going to give replicas a d I would say the first hour of the movie had some potential because the entire first hour is Reeves trying to clone his family successfully and it feels like such a slow burn so where you're getting to something interesting like if that first hour was maybe more like the First Act but it's not it's half the movie and after that it just continues to get weirder and weirder and not in a good way and fortunately guys thank you so much as always for watch am looking forward to continuing to talk about films that I missed last year more VOD and streaming content you guys are the best thank you as always and if you like this you can click right here and get the stuff minized we are officially entering into an economic recession millions of people are losing their jobs.